Sunday, April 5, 2009

Days 3, 4, 5

Sorry for not updating daily these past few days; I'm having mad internet connection troubles.

Things I have noticed the last few days: The dry mouth issue seems to be abating. I still wake up parched, but not having thirst-attacks so often anymore!

My face has cleared up - that hormone-induced little acne breakout I mentioned is gone, and far faster than anticipated. I also didn't get any blisters on my face this time around - which often happens during my period. I notice my skin is a bit drier than usual; I have been using a good deal of moisturizer on areas of skin that don't normally blister - arms, legs, shoulders.

Here's a weird little thing - I have some small scars on my right hand and right calf from rambunctious pet play; not old enough to fade but fresh enough to still see them - they appear to be changing color. Could be my imagination - but healing wounds like that for me usually stay pink for a long long time; I'm very fair skinned. All the little bumps and healed scratches now seem to be a bit more pigmented; not darker, exactly, just a different color - more of a tan/brown. As I said - I could just be nuts, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I'll keep an eye on that as days go by.

I've been obsessively cleaning house this weekend, which usually means broom blisters. I have only a tiny one on the palm of my right hand so far. My feet are holding steady; still a little sore from the shopping excursion, but no new blistering yet. I haven't really taxed the feet since then; and usually do not experience much if any blistering when I'm running around in stocking feet, which is what I've done all weekend.

Price paid for snazzy pedometer: $26 plus way too many waiting days for shipping. Argh! I'm really anxious to start walking with a purpose, counting steps and posting those results. Onward!

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